Are you new to branding and not sure where to start?
Read ahead to learn what homework should be done before getting started with your logo and brand development!

What is your brand's purpose (The reason it exists)
What is your brand's position (Who your brand is serving/target audience)
What are your brand's plans (What goals do you have for your brand in the future?
The brief definition of this element is "the reason your brand exists". Think of your business in the context of solving a problem or issue. What solution are you providing your customers with and why?
You can sell clothes and have a boutique, right? - but the purpose needs to deeper explain why you sell clothes, why your clothes are better than competitors and overall give an idea of why you do what you do; keeping in mind what issue you're solving. For example;
"The Purpose of my [boutique] is to provide professional women with clothes that turns heads in the office, event or business meeting while still being taken seriously by peers. It's hard to nail professional but trendy looks as a young woman, so we are here to fix that!"
The position of your brand is where your brand is placed in the market and minds of your audience. This is defined so that your brand is aligned with your target audience at all times, speaking to them and creating content geared towards getting their attention. So to know the positioning, you must learn the target audience.
Market analysis and awareness goals are also key elements of your brand positioning. This sets you apart from competitors and defines what exact audience you're speaking and selling to.
"We help __customer__ who __has this problem__ to achieve/experience __benefit__ unlike __competitor alternative__ , our solutions __our difference__
"We help inner city youth who have trouble paying for application fees, to apply for scholarships and colleges; unlike counseling they are receiving in public school, our solutions are free thus taking away barrier that our already under-represented youth face.
"The Position of my [boutique] is professional, mature, executive and classy women who are having trouble finding stunning outfits fit for the office. These women want to be represented as professional and fierce, and are looking for more boutiques that don't revolve around clubwear"
The plans that you have set for your brand, play a huge part in the design process. Your brand identity will be created with your goals in mind, because as a designer it is important to make sure that the design(s) fit the surroundings they will be in.
Lots of people "sell clothes", but your plans will set you apart and help lead a clear way to expansion. Some have goals to only sell clothes online (that's just fine!), some have goals to open storefronts, some have goals to be seen on New York Fashion Week! Knowing these plans is essential when you start branding. For example;
"The Plans I have for my [boutique], are to open a space at a high class mall in Charlotte, NC. After 5 years I plan on creating a chain for the boutique, in 10 different major cities. I would like for my brand to be the one that everyone recommends when women are looking for classy fits"
Book an in-depth Discovery workshop
Let's go over these questions in depth with a discovery workshop. This is a 90-minute Zoom session where we collaborate on your internal branding elements. We uncover your purpose, vision, tone, target audience and so much more, and leave you confident with documented details of your brand identity. I promise that after a workshop, you will see exactly how to keep your brand aligned with the internal and external aspects, which will in turn convert to sales and engagement.
After doing this homework
You will be ready to get started with branding! There is so much more to learn along the way, and at Artish Design, we make sure that clients are informed on it all.
Book your logo development today to experience branding the Artish way! Check out this page to view the logo presentation example and much more useful information!